Timetable of 4th China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering


Day 3,Dec. 10, 2023Sunday


Electric Machine Design and control@Electric Machine Design and control

2023-12-10 09:00 ~ 12:00

Timetable V1 Updated:2023-12-07 10:53:08

Start End Duration ID Title
09:00 09:15 15 8
Temperature Prediction of Substation Distribution Cabinet Based on CNN-BiGRU Model with Attention Mechanism
Junchen Lu/School of Big Health and Intelligent Engineering,Chengdu Medical College
Oral Presentation
09:15 09:30 15 14
09:30 09:45 15 20
Influence of discharge circuit parameters on the efficiency of reconnection electromagnetic launcher
Wenlong Jiang/Southwest Jiaotong University,the School of Electrical Engineering
Oral Presentation
09:45 10:00 15 24
Oral Presentation
10:00 10:15 15 27
Oral Presentation
10:15 10:30 15 Coffee Break
10:30 10:45 15 28
Measurement of plasma density profile for edge plasma on J-TEXT Tokamak
Ziyang Jin/Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Oral Presentation
10:45 11:00 15 29
Simulation on the suppression effect of external passive field on runaway electrons on J-TEXT
Keze Li/School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Oral Presentation
11:00 11:15 15 30
Impurity emissivity tomographic reconstruction by CCD imaging system on J-TEXT
Jiaming Wang/Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Oral Presentation
11:15 11:30 15 31
Degradation trajectories prognosis for fuel cell based on MP-NBEATS
Yuxuan Zheng Mr./University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Oral Presentation
11:30 11:45 15 36
Fractional Order Dynamic Super-twisting Terminal Sliding Mode Tracking Control for Linear Motor
xinyu zhao a doctoral student/shenyang university of technology
Oral Presentation
11:45 12:00 15 43

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Southwest Jiaotong University


Add: No.999, Xi'an Road, Pidu

District, Chengdu City, Sichuan

Province,611756 China

Email: ciycee2023@163.com


Aconf Staff:Lu Wei

Tel:+86 18971567453

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IEEE IAS SWJTU Student Branch