Optimal torque distribution for energy consumption of pure
Submission ID:43 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:53:19 Hits:178
Poster Presentation
Abstract -- In order to reduce the whole vehicle energy consumption of dual-motor-driven pure electric vehicles, a torque allocation strategy based on energy consumption optimization is proposed. Firstly, the dynamics analysis of dual-motor-driven pure electric vehicle is carried out, and the forward simulation model of dual-motor-driven pure electric vehicle is established by combining with the European cycling conditions; secondly, on the basis of the characteristic analysis of the energy consumption of the dual-motor-driven pure electric vehicle, the mathematical model of the torque optimization allocation is established with the goal of reducing the energy consumption of the whole vehicle, and the objective function is optimized by using the artificial fish swarm algorithm, and the results of the torque allocation at the time of optimal energy consumption are obtained, and the total system losses are simulated. Combined with the vehicle model, the total loss of the system is simulated and analyzed. The simulation results show that the torque optimization scheme obtained by the artificial fish-school algorithm can effectively reduce the energy consumption of the whole vehicle for dual-motor-driven pure electric vehicles.
Dual motor dual drive, pure electric vehicle, torque distribution
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