[Poster Presentation]Reinforcement Learning-based Control Study of Three-phase LCL-type Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter

Reinforcement Learning-based Control Study of Three-phase LCL-type Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter
ID:183 Submission ID:197 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:53:26 Hits:406 Poster Presentation

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<div style="text-align:justify"> In the weak grid environment with high penetration of new energy , the traditional PI control is not fast enough, which seriously affects the performance of the grid-connected inverter system. For this reason, this paper proposes a study of three-phase LCL-type PV grid-connected inverter control based on reinforcement learning. The original current loop is replaced with a reinforcement learning module. By adjusting the reward function in reinforcement learning and a lot of training, a agent can be obtained. Under the excitation of this agent, the grid-connected inverter system will have a better performance. Finally, the current control of PV grid-connected inverter based on reinforcement learning is verified to be better by comparing with traditional PI control in simulation.</div>
grid-connected inverter; PI control;rapidity; reinforcement learning; weak grid
Feng Xu
student Hefei University;School of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering;Hefei

Submission Author
Changzhou Yu Hefei University;Anhui Provincial Engineering Technology Research Center of Intelligent Vehicle Control and Integrated Design Technology
Feng Xu Hefei University;School of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering;Hefei
Haizhen Xu Hefei University
Haiyang Diao Hefei University
Long Shen Hefei University
Jiaqiang Fu Hefei University
Leilei Guo Zhengzhou University of Light Industry
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