[Oral Presentation]Dual-Resonant Step-Up AC/DC Converter Based on Fixed Frequency Pulse Overlapping Modulation

Dual-Resonant Step-Up AC/DC Converter Based on Fixed Frequency Pulse Overlapping Modulation
ID:1 Submission ID:8 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:35:13 Hits:473 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 09:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S2] Power electronic technology and application » [S2] Power electronic technology and application

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To overcome the limitation of voltage regulation in resonant switched capacitor topology and introduce the soft switching characteristics into AC/DC converter, a dual-resonant step-up AC/DC converter based on fixed frequency pulse overlapping modulation is presented in this paper. The voltage regulation is achieved by regulating the overlapping time of the two switching pulses, and the switching frequency can be fixed for simplifying the implementation. The operational principle, voltage gain and power factor correction performance are analyzed in detail. Moreover, a simulation model with 165−265 Vrms input and 400 V/1 kW output is built to verify the above analysis, and a model with closed loop is built to verify the controllability.
Dual-resonance-core,switched-capacitor converter,power factor correction,fixed switching frequency,pulse overlapping modulation
Yubo Han
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Submission Author
Yubo Han University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Weihao Hu University of Electronic Science Technology of China
Di Cao University of Electronic Science Technology of China
Yiping Yuan University of Electronic Science Technology of China
Qi Huang Southwest University of Science and Technology
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