[Oral Presentation]A Subzone Formation Strategy for Load Restoration in Resilient Distribution Systems

A Subzone Formation Strategy for Load Restoration in Resilient Distribution Systems
ID:10 Submission ID:16 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:31 Hits:452 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 09:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S4] Power system and automation » [S4] Power system and automation

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China has experienced a surge in rainstorms, typhoons, and extreme weather events, emphasizing the need to bolster power grid resilience and minimize losses. Service restoration for distribution systems is of paramount importance in this context. With the rapid development of distributed resources (DERs) within distribution systems, DERs have emerged as a viable option for load restoration following outages. Traditional approaches in distribution system restoration (DSR) often treat partitioning and restoration as distinct decision-making processes, which may result in a lack of synergy between the two phases. In this research, we propose a novel model that integrates parallel restoration and subzone formation for distribution systems. This model optimally coordinates the topology of the distribution system and partition formation, ensuring the safe and reliable operation of partitions while adhering to restoration constraints. We formulate this model as a mixed-integer second-order cone program, guaranteeing compliance with restoration requirements. We validate the effectiveness of our approach using a modified PG&E 69-bus test system. Our findings highlight the potential for improved distribution system resilience in the face of extreme weather events through the simultaneous consideration of partitioning and restoration processes.
Distribution system,Mixed-integer second-order cone,Resilience,Service restoration,Subzone formation
Jihang Cheng
Hohai University

Submission Author
Jihang Cheng Hohai University
Zhongqi Guo Hohai University
Xiaojian Huang Huzhou Electric Power Supply Company State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power
Haoming Liu Hohai University
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