[Oral Presentation]Interfacial Thermal Resistance Measurement at Polymer/Semiconductor Interface Using Optical-Interference Contactless Thermometry (OICT)

Interfacial Thermal Resistance Measurement at Polymer/Semiconductor Interface Using Optical-Interference Contactless Thermometry (OICT)
ID:107 Submission ID:206 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:43 Hits:452 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 14:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S7] Power system protection and control » [S7] Power system protection and control

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Presence of interfacial thermal resistance between semiconductor devices and thermal interface material significantly impacts the heat dissipation efficiency in power device packages. In this study, we propose a novel experimental method for extracting the interfacial thermal resistance of polymer/semiconductor interface using optical-interference contactless thermometry. SU-8/SiC bilayer samples were used to demonstrate the proposed technique, and extracted interfacial thermal resistance was found to increase with the temperature of SU-8 around interface from 130 mm2KW-1 at 304 K to 410 mm2KW-1 at 363 K. Transient temperature profiles of the sample were also obtained and an increasing interfacial temperature drop due to interfacial thermal resistance from ~6 to ~60 K was observed.
semiconductor power device,thermal interface material,interfacial thermal resistance
Jiawen Yu
Graduate Student Hiroshima University

Submission Author
Jiawen Yu Hiroshima University
Hiroaki Hanafusa Hiroshima University
Seiichirou Higashi Hiroshima University
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