[Poster Presentation]Challenges and Solutions in Integrating Large-Scale Photovoltaic Systems with Weak Electrical Grids

Challenges and Solutions in Integrating Large-Scale Photovoltaic Systems with Weak Electrical Grids
ID:141 Submission ID:101 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:53:21 Hits:437 Poster Presentation

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In order to alleviate the energy pressure caused by the depletion of traditional fossil fuels, new energy sources such as photovoltaics (PV) have been receiving increasing attention and development. However, large-scale PV power plants face practical challenges when connecting to weak electrical grids due to the intermittent nature of energy generation, which is influenced by sunlight intensity. Additionally, these power plants typically connect to the grid through long-distance transmission lines, where line impedance cannot be neglected. Operating large-scale PV power plants in weak grid conditions enhances the coupling with grid-tied PV inverters, often involving components like phase-locked loops and voltage-current controllers. This coupling introduces a series of instability issues characterized by wide-frequency domain and multiple time scales. To ensure the stable operation of large-scale PV power plants when integrated into weak electrical grids, it is essential to understand the mechanisms of oscillatory instability, harmonic amplification, and other related issues. Moreover, appropriate control strategies need to be designed to address these challenges effectively. <div> <div> </div> </div>
photovoltaic power plants,weak power grids,oscillation stability,harmonic resonance,voltage protection
Ke Liu
staff Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Qinghai Electric Power Company

Submission Author
Ke Liu Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Qinghai Electric Power Company
Yutong Liu Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Qinghai Electric Power Company
Jun Han Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Qinghai Electric Power Company
Wenqian Zhang Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Qinghai Electric Power Company
Han Guo Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Qinghai Electric Power Company
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