[Poster Presentation]Construction of Carbon Emission Evaluation Indicator System Based on Regional Energy Information Data

Construction of Carbon Emission Evaluation Indicator System Based on Regional Energy Information Data
ID:150 Submission ID:118 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:53:23 Hits:221 Poster Presentation

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In order to wake up the huge amount of carbon monitoring data, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the data, so as to provide intuitive and feasible control suggestions for the power grid. In this paper, in response to the national "carbon peak and carbon neutral" policy requirements, and to achieve the "double carbon" goal on schedule, we take technological innovation as a guide to construct a carbon emission index system based on regional energy information, realize the tracking of the carbon footprint of the regional energy system of foreign electricity, and display the carbon footprint of the regional foreign electricity in real time. Demonstrate the carbon footprint of regional foreign electricity. Based on the carbon emission calculation model for different forms of energy, the quantitative calculation of carbon emissions from other forms of energy in the region will be realized, so as to grasp the carbon emission situation of the regional energy system.
Carbon Emission Evaluation,Regional Energy Information,Source-grid-load Indicator
Chong Shao
Mr State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company

Submission Author
Chong Shao State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company
Honglei Xu State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company
Rui Yang State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute
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