[Poster Presentation]Analysis of the Influence of Different Factors on the Lightning Withstanding Current

Analysis of the Influence of Different Factors on the Lightning Withstanding Current
ID:152 Submission ID:124 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:53:23 Hits:207 Poster Presentation

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Lightning is the main reason that endangers the safety and reliability of transmission line. The basis for differentiated lightning protection of transmission lines is to evaluate the lightning withstanding current of the entire transmission line. This article conducted a comprehensive analysis of the factors affecting the lightning withstanding current of transmission lines. Orthogonal experiments were conducted to compare the influence of different factors. It was found that the wave front time of lightning current has the greatest impact on the lightning withstanding current of back flashover, and the highest influential factor on the calculation results of the maximum shielding failure current is the tower nominal height. Taking the above results and analysis into consideration, suggestions are provided for lightning protection in engineering.Lightning is the main reason that endangers the safety and reliability of transmission line. The basis for differentiated lightning protection of transmission lines is to evaluate the lightning withstanding current of the entire transmission line. This article conducted a comprehensive analysis of the factors affecting the lightning withstanding current of transmission lines. Orthogonal experiments were conducted to compare the influence of different factors. It was found that the wave front time of lightning current has the greatest impact on the lightning withstanding current of back flashover, and the highest influential factor on the calculation results of the maximum shielding failure current is the tower nominal height. Taking the above results and analysis into consideration, suggestions are provided for lightning protection in engineering.
Lightning withstanding current,back flashover,shielding failure,lightning protection
Xiaopeng Liu
Engineer State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd., Electric Power Research Institute

Submission Author
Xiaopeng Liu State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd., Electric Power Research Institute
Jianjin Fu State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd.,Electric Power Research Institute
Xueming Zhou State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd.,Electric Power Research Institute
Yao Yao State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd.,Electric Power Research Institute
Zhiqiang Feng State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd.,Electric Power Research Institute
Li Zhang State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd.,Electric Power Research Institute
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