[Poster Presentation]Rotor Parameter Sensitivity Analysis and Electromagnetic Performance Optimization of PMASynRM

Rotor Parameter Sensitivity Analysis and Electromagnetic Performance Optimization of PMASynRM
ID:153 Submission ID:125 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:53:23 Hits:312 Poster Presentation

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The rotor structure of the permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance motor (PMaSynRM) is complicated and the optimization is difficult. Aiming at this problem, a parametric model of PMASynRM is established in this paper, multiple rotor parameters are selected for sensitivity analysis by optiSLang to screen out the key parameters that have great influence on the optimization target for parameter dimensionality reduction. Secondly, the influence of key parameters on the optimization target of the motor is analyzed by Kriging response model, and the multi-objective optimization of these parameters is carried out by particle swarm optimization(PSO) algorithm to obtain the optimal parameter scheme. The average output torque of the optimised motor is increased by 10.9%, the torque ripple is reduced by 7.3%, and the iron consumption is reduced by 15.5%. Finally, the correctness and effectiveness of the optimization method are verified by Maxwell finite element simulation, which has certain reference value.
Permanent magnet assisted synchronous reluctance motor;,Sensitivity analysis;,Optimization
Zhentian Zhu
Graduate student Shanghai DianJi University

Submission Author
Zhentian Zhu Shanghai DianJi University
Aiyuan Wang Shanghai Dianji University
Ming Tang Shanghai DianJi University
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