Game-Based Offshore Wind Farm Cluster Transmission System Topology Design
Submission ID:37 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:32 Hits:456
Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 09:15 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[S1] Renewable energy system » [S1] Renewable energy system
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With the intensive development trend of offshore wind farms in deep waters, flexible DC transmission technology has become the best choice to integrate offshore wind farm clusters into the power grid, effectively improving transmission efficiency. However, although the development of clustering has reduced the investment in transmission submarine cables, the close distance between adjacent wind farms has also greatly reduced the wake effect of upstream wind farms, which greatly reduces the power generation of downstream wind farms . This article proposes a Stackelberg game model with offshore wind farm investors as leaders and offshore transmission operators as followers, aiming to reconcile the interests of various stakeholders while maximizing the benefits of the alliance. The developed game theory model effectively optimizes the transmission system planning of offshore wind farm clusters, improves the overall economic efficiency of the cluster, and promotes the sustainable development of clean energy. The case study shows that this method aligns with the interests outlined in the paper title, making it a promising solution for offshore wind power integration.
Offshore wind farm cluster,Transmission system,Stackelberg game,Shapley value

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