[Poster Presentation]Small Signal Modeling of Sending-end Offshore Wind Power MMC-HVDC Integration Systems Considering Positive and Negative Sequence Separation Module

Small Signal Modeling of Sending-end Offshore Wind Power MMC-HVDC Integration Systems Considering Positive and Negative Sequence Separation Module
ID:173 Submission ID:182 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:53:25 Hits:427 Poster Presentation

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Due to low loss, low cost, and the capacity to connect to the passive network of the modular multilevel converter (MMC), it has been widely applied for the deep-sea offshore wind power transmission. However, there will be a risk of sub-synchronous oscillation in the sending-end system, due to the interaction between the MMC, the wind turbines (WTs), and the AC network. Besides, the positive and negative sequence separation module (PNSSM) of the MMC and WTs introduced for the imbalance control can also affect the small signal stability. To help the small signal stability analysis during asymmetric faults, the paper is aimed to establish the overall linearized mathematical model. In this model, the state-space method is adopted and the phase-locked loop (PLL) of the WTs, circulation controller of the MMC, and the PNSSM of both the MMC and the WTs are considered. Finally, the correctness of the small signal model is verified through simulation in the MATLAB/Simulink.
Modular multilevel converter,wind turbines,positive and negative sequence separation module,sub-synchronous oscillation,small signal stability
Zhiwei Peng
Student Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Submission Author
Yijing Chen China Huanneng Group Clean Energy Research Institude
Zhiwei Peng Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Chunhua Li China Huanneng Group Clean Energy Research Institude
Weihong Song Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Junyang Zhang China Huanneng Group Clean Energy Research Institude
Yingbiao Li Huazhong University of Science and Technology
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