[Poster Presentation]Modeling and Analysis of AC Distribution Grids with Wind and Solar Storage

Modeling and Analysis of AC Distribution Grids with Wind and Solar Storage
ID:176 Submission ID:185 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:53:26 Hits:426 Poster Presentation

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With the increasing use of diversified power generation facilities such as distributed power generation, energy storage and electric vehicle charging piles in distribution networks, the traditional distribution network has been greatly affected, and the use of AC-DC hybrid distribution has received more attention and research, and a series of research results have been achieved. AC/DC hybrid distribution network can more effectively accept AC/DC power sources and loads, and flexibly carry out AC/DC conversion, which is an important trend in the future development of distribution networks. Considering environmental protection factors, clean energy such as photovoltaic power generation and wind power generation are more commonly added to the distribution network in the mode of distributed power supply. After DC/AC conversion of photovoltaic power generation and a series of processing, photovoltaic storage batteries can cleanly and efficiently supply electricity to the distribution network and can store excess electricity. Wind power generation converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, and after a series of transformations, it can obtain the voltage required by the power grid. Among them, rectifiers and inverters play a huge role in the conversion of electrical energy. Rectifiers can convert AC power from wind turbines into DC power, which can then be converted into stable AC power through inversion, and inverters can convert DC power generated by photovoltaic arrays into AC power. In view of this, a distributed power model is constructed, which is linked into a simple distribution network for simulation, followed by an analysis of its power quality.
photovoltaic energy storage, doubly-fed wind turbines, ac topology, distribution grid
Chuan Long
researcher State Grid Sichuan Economic Research Institute

Submission Author
Xuna Liu State Grid Sichuan Economic Research Institute
Da Li State Grid Sichuan Economic Research Institute
Chuan Long State Grid Sichuan Economic Research Institute
Shengyong Ye State Grid Sichuan Economic Research Institute
Xinting Yang State Grid Sichuan Economic Research Institute
Yuqi Han State Grid Sichuan Economic Research Institute
Yan Wang Southwest Jiaotong University
Ting Li State Grid Sichuan Economic Research Institute
Liyang Liu State Grid Sichuan Economic Research Institute
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