[Poster Presentation]High-Resistance Fault Localization Method for Underground Cables Based on Three-Dimensional Wideband Impedance Spectra

High-Resistance Fault Localization Method for Underground Cables Based on Three-Dimensional Wideband Impedance Spectra
ID:177 Submission ID:187 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:53:26 Hits:410 Poster Presentation

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Locating cable faults is of significant importance
for the stable operation of the power system. Currently,
mainstream methods like partial discharge testing and time-
domain reflectometry impact by issues like filtering distortions
and rapid attenuation of high-frequency signals, making it
difficult to accurately locate high-resistance cable faults. This
paper introduces a three-dimensional wideband impedance
localization method based on temperature gradients. The paper
provides a theoretical analysis of impedance at cable joints and
conducts experiments on a 57-meter cross-linked polyethylene
medium-voltage cable, the experimental results demonstrates the
effectiveness of the proposed three-dimensional wideband
impedance method.
Locating cable faults is of significant importance
for the stable operation of the power system. Currently,
mainstream methods like partial discharge testing and time-
domain reflectometry impact by issues like filtering distortions
and rapid attenuation of high-frequency signals, making it
difficult to accurately locate high-resistance cable faults. This
paper introduces a three-dimensional wideband impedance
localization method based on temperature gradients. The paper
provides a theoretical analysis of impedance at cable joints and
conducts experiments on a 57-meter cross-linked polyethylene
medium-voltage cable, the experimental results demonstrates the
effectiveness of the proposed three-dimensional wideband
impedance method.
underground cables; high resistance fault; broadband impedance spectrum; location detection
Yuhao Lan
graduate student The University of Sheffield

Submission Author
Yuhao Lan The University of Sheffield
Kaining Kuang The university of Sheffield
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