[Oral Presentation]Single-Phase Transformerless Two-Leg UPQC with Low DC-Link Voltage and Reduced

Single-Phase Transformerless Two-Leg UPQC with Low DC-Link Voltage and Reduced
ID:18 Submission ID:39 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:33 Hits:540 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-10 09:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S9] Transformer technology and applications » [S9] Transformer technology and applications

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This paper introduces a single-phase transformerless unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) with two bridge arms. In contrast to traditional half-bridge UPQC, this system is comprised of a H-bridge active power filter (APF) and a half-bridge dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) coupled through a shared bridge arm. It can operate at low dc-link voltage during undervoltage and overvoltage conditions in the power supply, and is unaffected by the series converter compensation strategy. Additionally, an equivalent current model is employed to calculate the dc-link capacitor voltage expression. The results indicate that the voltage capacitor ripple of two-leg UPQC is reduced, leading to approximately one-third less capacitor requirement under equivalent load conditions. Finally, simulations confirm the accuracy of the ripple analysis and demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed topology.This paper introduces a single-phase transformerless unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) with two bridge arms. In contrast to traditional half-bridge UPQC, this system is comprised of a H-bridge active power filter (APF) and a half-bridge dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) coupled through a shared bridge arm. It can operate at low dc-link voltage during undervoltage and overvoltage conditions in the power supply, and is unaffected by the series converter compensation strategy. Additionally, an equivalent current model is employed to calculate the dc-link capacitor voltage expression. The results indicate that the voltage capacitor ripple of two-leg UPQC is reduced, leading to approximately one-third less capacitor requirement under equivalent load conditions. Finally, simulations confirm the accuracy of the ripple analysis and demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed topology.
Power Quality;,Unified Power Quality Conditioner;,Shared Bridge;,Low DC-Link Voltage;,Capacitor Voltage Ripple Suppression
Cen Tang
Southwest Jiaotong university

Submission Author
Cen Tang Southwest Jiaotong university
Jianglin Nie Southwest Jiaotong university
Linghui Meng Southwest Jiaotong university
Shun Wang Southwest Jiaotong University
Zeliang Shu Southwest Jiaotong University
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