[Poster Presentation]The Research on the Effectiveness Evaluation Technology for the PD Sensing Components of the 220kV Cable Joint with Built-in Multi-Dimensional Sensing Elements

The Research on the Effectiveness Evaluation Technology for the PD Sensing Components of the 220kV Cable Joint with Built-in Multi-Dimensional Sensing Elements
ID:180 Submission ID:194 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-30 16:35:24 Hits:416 Poster Presentation

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With the development of social economy, the scale of high-voltage cable equipment has developed rapidly, and at the same time, the online monitoring technology for high-voltage cables is widely applied. And the reliable integration of high-voltage cable equipment and state sensing components has become a current research hotspot. However, the integration level of high-voltage cable primary equipment and status sensing components remains relatively low at present stage. Therefore this paper proposes simulation calculations to explore the electrical performance of the high-voltage cable joint with built-in multi-dimensional sensing elements which was designed in the previous research. The results indicate that the built-in multi-dimensional sensing element in the 220kV cable joint did not affect its electrical performance, and the structural design is reasonable. Additionally, The Research on the effectiveness evaluation technology for the partial discharge (PD) sensing component is conducted in this paper. The on-site effectiveness validation results of the PD sensing component are favorable. This article provides a solution for the integration of primary and secondary equipment of high-voltage cable, and verifies the effectiveness of online monitoring technology. It can also better ensure the intrinsic safety of high-voltage cables.
jianjun yuan
assistant engineer State Key Laboratory of Power Grid Environmental Protection;China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd,

Submission Author
jianjun yuan State Key Laboratory of Power Grid Environmental Protection;China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd,
Benhong Ouyang State Key Laboratory of Power Grid Environmental Protection;China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd,
Rong Xia State Key Laboratory of Power Grid Environmental Protection;China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd,
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