[Poster Presentation]MIMO Antenna Design with Dual-Polarization Characteristic for 5G Handheld Devices

MIMO Antenna Design with Dual-Polarization Characteristic for 5G Handheld Devices
ID:181 Submission ID:193 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:53:26 Hits:397 Poster Presentation

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This study introduces a simple MIMO antenna configuration tailored specifically for future handheld devices. The design incorporates eight microstrip-fed open-ended slot antenna elements etched onto the same layer as the ground plane. These elements are arranged in L-shaped slits with a rectangular microstrip feeding line, enabling operation within the frequency range of 3.4-3.8 GHz, falling within the sub-6 GHz 5G cellular communications band. Despite its compact size, the array exhibits outstanding performance and has been extensively analyzed concerning its essential characteristics. The compact MIMO array occupies minimal space on the smartphone's board while delivering optimal performance in terms of S-parameters, radiation patterns, radiation diversity, efficiency, and gain. The design meets the stringent requirements for future 5G handheld smartphones. Furthermore, the antenna's radiation performance in close proximity to the user ensures a dependable and resilient communication experience.
MIMO,antenna polarization,5G
Naser Ojaroudi Parchin
Assistant Professor Edinburgh Napier University

Submission Author
Tanvir Islam University of Houston
Haleh Jahanbakhsh Basherlou Edinburgh Napier University
Naser Ojaroudi Parchin Edinburgh Napier University
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