A Novel Boost PFC Converter with Inherent Boundary Conduction Mode Operation
Submission ID:40 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:33 Hits:503
Oral Presentation
Generally, for existing boost-type PFC converters operating in boundary conduction mode (BCM), a zero-crossing detection (ZCD) circuit is always required to capture the instant of zero-crossing of the inductor current, which inevitably makes the control circuits more sophisticated. Furthermore, they all suffer from wide switching frequency ranges, particularly under high-voltage inputs. Different from existing BCM PFC converters, this article proposes a novel boost-type PFC converter with inherent BCM operation, while two PFM-derived control methods are developed to regulate the input current shape and realize PFC function. Since the BCM state is achieved naturally, the proposed topology eliminates the need for a ZCD circuit. During a line period, it exhibits significantly reduced frequency variations than conventional BCM PFC converters. Furthermore, the suggested converter attains ZVS operation across a wider range of AC inputs. Experimentation outcomes from a 120W prototype with 400V output voltage affirmed the effectiveness and the claimed features of the suggested converter.
Boost PFC, Inherent BCM operation, Operating frequency, ZVS switching
Submission Author
Song Lu
Southwest Jiaotong University
Hongbo Ma
Southwest Jiaotong University
Tianyi Zhang
Southwest Jiaotong University
Lin Tang
Southwest Jiaotong University
Zhe Chen
Southwest Jiaotong University
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