[Oral Presentation]Heterogeneous Models Based Distributed Predictive Control for Heavy-haul Trains

Heterogeneous Models Based Distributed Predictive Control for Heavy-haul Trains
ID:21 Submission ID:46 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:33 Hits:440 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 14:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S5] Traction power supply technology and application » [S5] Traction power supply technology and application

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In order to further improve the line capacity and locomotive fleet safety operation for busy heavy-haul railways, a heterogeneous group modeling approach is adopted in this paper to identify locomotive fleets with different dynamic characteristics. By analyzing adjacent coupling characteristics between different locomotive fleets, a topology graph with stable interconnection parameters for heterogeneous groups is derived. To ensure the smooth operation of heavy-haul train groups and prevent significant speed control errors during operation, a distributed dynamic matrix predictive control algorithm has been developed. Joint simulations based on heterogeneous groups such as AC electric locomotive HXD3, DC electric locomotive SS4B, and diesel locomotive HXN3 demonstrate that this approach provides reference for stable coupling of different types of overloaded locomotives, reduces driver workload, and achieves safe and smooth operation.
Distributed predictive control; Dynamic matrix control; Heavy-haul trains; Heterogeneous groups; Stable topology graph.
Zhang Kunpeng
Lecturer East China Jiaotong University

Submission Author
Zhang Kunpeng East China Jiaotong University
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