A Frequency Domain Identification Method of General Mechanical Drive System
Submission ID:53 View Protection:ATTENDEE
Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:33 Hits:496
Oral Presentation
In mechanical drive systems, existing resonance suppression strategies and autotuning methods often rely on accurate system models. This paper completely describes a non-parametric method to realize the identification of resonance/anti-resonance frequency and characteristic peaks. First, the settings of the excitation signal and loop configuration are discussed. Correlation analysis method is adopted for data processing. After filtering, the resonance/anti-resonance frequency and characteristic peaks are determined through the combined analysis of magnitude and phase frequency characteristics. The results of experiment show that this method can effectively identify the resonance/anti-resonance frequency and non-mechanical properties.
identification,mechanical drive system,nonparametric method,PRBS,detection of resonance frequency
Submission Author
Ruizhe Zhou
Harbin Institute of Technology
Ming Yang
Harbin Institute of Technology
Chaoyi Shang
Harbin Institute of Technology
Qiyang Zeng
Harbin Institute of Technology
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