[Oral Presentation]Microgrid Cybersecurity: Addressing Challenges and Ensuring Resilience

Microgrid Cybersecurity: Addressing Challenges and Ensuring Resilience
ID:42 Submission ID:81 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:35 Hits:515 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 09:45 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S4] Power system and automation » [S4] Power system and automation

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The microgrid, as a small-scale power system with robust self-governance capabilities, exhibits remarkable adaptability in terms of self-control, protection, and management. It effectively addresses the challenge of integrating diverse distributed generation sources. However, as a quintessential cyber-physical system, microgrids are increasingly dependent on information and communication technologies, thus being exposed to rising cybersecurity risks. This paper revisits the cyber-physical characteristics of microgrids, emphasizing the direct impact of cyber events on their operational stability. The article extensively explores the categories of cyber-attacks confronting microgrids, along with corresponding solutions, while also shedding light on future research avenues. Its objective is to elevate the cyber security of microgrid systems, ensuring their dependable operation. This research holds paramount significance for the sustainable development of microgrid systems.
microgrids,cybersecurity,resilience control,detection and mitigation,cyber physical systems
Chaofeng Yan
student University of Electronic Science and Technology of China

Submission Author
Chaofeng Yan University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Yang Han University of Electronic Science Technology of China
Ping Yang University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Congling Wang University of Electronic Science Technology of China
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