[Oral Presentation]Modeling of Frequency Variation Characteristics under Load Side Response of Transformers

Modeling of Frequency Variation Characteristics under Load Side Response of Transformers
ID:48 Submission ID:88 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-29 20:54:05 Hits:458 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-10 10:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S9] Transformer technology and applications » [S9] Transformer technology and applications

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This article takes the laboratory autotransformer as the modeling object, and further optimizes the equivalent model of the transformer by studying the relationship between the equivalent parameters of the transformer winding and frequency. Firstly, the magnetic conductivity characteristics of the transformer core are obtained through numerical calculation. Furthermore, the frequency variation characteristics of the inductance are obtained in finite element software. The effectiveness of the model is verified by comparing the load side response of the transformer measured, without considering frequency variation, and considering frequency variation. The results show that compared with the measured values, the maximum errors of the resonant point frequency considering frequency variation characteristics under normal and axial displacement are 0.1659 and 0.2882, respectively. It can be seen that considering the frequency variation characteristics of the winding can make the frequency response curve obtained through analysis more accurate.
Autotransformer;Frequency variation characteristics;Frequency response;Resonance point
Jialei Zang
postgraduate Southwest Jiaotong University

Submission Author
Xin Wang Ltd.;Yunnan Power Grid Co.
Guochao Qian Yunnan Power Grid Co., Ltd. Electric Power Science Research Institute
Shun He Yunnan Power Grid Co.; Ltd. Electric Power Science Research Institute
Hongwen Liu Yunnan Power Grid Co.; Ltd. Electric Power Science Research Institute
Jin Hu Electric Power Research Institute; Ltd; Yunnan Power Grid Co.
Weiju Dai Yunnan Power Grid Co.; Ltd. Electric Power Research Institute
Kun Yang Yunnan Power Grid Co.; Ltd. Electric Power Science Research Institute
Jialei Zang Southwest Jiaotong University
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