[Oral Presentation]Study of Transformer Winding Vibration Characteristics under Electromagnetic Field and Structural Force Field

Study of Transformer Winding Vibration Characteristics under Electromagnetic Field and Structural Force Field
ID:5 Submission ID:10 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:31 Hits:505 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-10 09:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S9] Transformer technology and applications » [S9] Transformer technology and applications

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Transformer windings may vibrate and deform under the joint action of electromagnetic force and Lorentz force. However, in current studies, neither the two-way coupling effect of electromagnetic field nor the structural force field has been taken into account, which leads to inaccurate results to some degree. In this paper, the multi-physical field coupling simulation model of power transformer operation is established with the help of finite element software. The paper comprehensively and effectively analyzes the vibration characteristics of the transformer windings, obtains the magnetic field distribution of the low-voltage side and high-voltage side, and the distribution of winding vibration and deformation. The proposed electric, magnetic, and structural coupling force field calculation method can relatively accurately analyze the vibration situation of various transformers, which provides a theoretical reference for the subsequent work on transformer vibration and noise prevention.
Study of Transformer Winding Vibration Characteristics under Electromagnetic Field and Structural Force Field
Xiaowen Dai
Student School of Electrical Engineering;Shandong University

Submission Author
Zhijie Wang State Grid Heze Power Supply Company; State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company
Zhuyu Shao State Grid Heze Power Supply Company, State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company
Shuofeng Niu State Grid Heze Power Supply Company, State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company
Bin Jia State Grid Heze Power Supply Company, State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company
Xiaodong Chen State Grid Heze Power Supply Company, State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company
Xiaowen Dai School of Electrical Engineering;Shandong University
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