[Oral Presentation]Optimization strategy for multi-microgrid power sharing operation considering low-carbon characteristics

Optimization strategy for multi-microgrid power sharing operation considering low-carbon characteristics
ID:52 Submission ID:93 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:37 Hits:192 Oral Presentation

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Improving the utilization of renewable energy and transforming traditional microgrids into low-carbon ones are important means to achieve energy and power carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals. In this paper, we first construct a microgrid model that includes electric, thermal, and gas energy coordination, and introduce a carbon capture system into the cogeneration unit model to reduce carbon emissions. Then, a multi-microgrid power-sharing operation model is constructed according to the Nash negotiation principle, and thus discretized as the coalition benefit optimization sub-problem and the benefit distribution sub-problem. To safeguard each subject's identity, we use the distributed direction manifold technique. In the revenue redistribution sub-problem, we construct an asymmetric energy mapping contribution function to achieve reasonable revenue redistribution. The results show that this approach is efficient in cutting carbon output during microgrid operation while reducing operating costs, and has the advantage of reducing carbon emissions.
Carbon capture; Cooperative game; Low-carbon optimal operation; Multi-microgrid; Nash bargaining;
Mingcheng Dai
graduate student Huazhong University Of Science And Technology

Submission Author
Mingcheng Dai Huazhong University Of Science And Technology
Lee Li 华中科技大学
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