[Oral Presentation]Modeling and Analysis of Concrete-air Cross-media Wireless Power Transfer Systems

Modeling and Analysis of Concrete-air Cross-media Wireless Power Transfer Systems
ID:61 Submission ID:110 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:38 Hits:498 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 14:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S6] 5G and Wireless power transfer technology » [S6] 5G and Wireless power transfer technology

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Aiming at the influence of concrete addition on the transmission performance of concrete-air cross-media wireless power transfer system, this paper uses theoretical calculation combined with numerical simulation to analyze, first establishes the system model after concrete addition based on equivalent circuit theory, and uses field theory to derive the change of mutual inductance of key parameters of the system. Then, COMSOL simulation was used to compare the magnetic field changes of the system before and after concrete was added under different external conditions, and the relevant electrical parameters were extracted. Finally, Simulink simulation was used to verify the influence of concrete addition on the transmission performance of the system. The results show that the addition of concrete medium will affect the self-inductance of the resonant coil and the mutual inductance between the coils, and ultimately lead to the degradation of the transmission performance of the system.
Wireless power transmission,concrete,additional losses,finite element simulation,transmission performance
Jin Chang
Student China University of Mining and Technology

Submission Author
Cancan Rong China University of Mining and Technology
Jin Chang China University of Mining and Technology
Zunyang Liu Hunan University
Yunpeng Xu China University of Mining and Technology
Zhi Ling China University of Mining and Technology
Kaiping Qu China University of Mining and Technology
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