[Oral Presentation]A Modeling and Control Method for Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter in Fractional Frequency Transmission Applications

A Modeling and Control Method for Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter in Fractional Frequency Transmission Applications
ID:63 Submission ID:112 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:38 Hits:462 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 11:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S2] Power electronic technology and application » [S2] Power electronic technology and application

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Fractional Frequency Transmission System (FFTS) has gained significant attention in the offshore wind power industry by utilizing the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter (M3C) as a power converter. However, the direct coupling of inputs and outputs operating at different frequencies within the M3C-FFTS presents substantial challenges for system modeling and control. Hence, this paper presents a novel M3C hybrid modeling method to effectively decouple the power frequency side from the fractional frequency side. The power of each sub-converter bridge arm is represented using αβο, enabling us to derive and calculate detailed mathematical expressions for each power term. This approach establishes a solid theoretical foundation for achieving M3C capacitor voltage balance control. Building upon the hybrid modeling, we propose a novel control strategy for the M3C-FFTS system, aimed at ensuring balanced input and output conditions. The efficacy of the proposed modeling method and control strategy is verified through simulation using MATLAB/Simulink. 
Fractional frequency power transmission,modular multilevel matrix converter (M3C),Differential-mode- common-mode decoupling,Capacitor voltage balance control
Jinyang Gao
Sthdent Southeast University

Submission Author
Jinyang Gao Southeast University
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