[Oral Presentation]Influence of Stray Current on Distance Protection in Rail Transit

Influence of Stray Current on Distance Protection in Rail Transit
ID:64 Submission ID:115 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:38 Hits:480 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 14:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S5] Traction power supply technology and application » [S5] Traction power supply technology and application

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Nowadays, urban rail transit is developing continuously, which is closely related to the power grid. The stray current generated during the operation of rail transit will invade the power system through the neutral point of the transformer, resulting in a series of effects. Dc magnetic bias caused by stray current will affect the transmission characteristics of current transformer. In this paper, the working principle of current transformer and its transmission characteristics under DC magnetic bias condition are studied. The influence of stray current on the transmission characteristics of current transformer is analyzed, and then the influence of stray current on directional circular impedance relay and power frequency variation distance protection is studied, which provides a basis for the prevention and control of stray current in rail transit.
Stray current of rail transit,Current transformer,DC bias,Distance protection
Ruxue Zhao
Student Shandong University

Submission Author
Ruxue Zhao Shandong University
Guoxin Zhang Zibo Power Supply Bureau Co., Ltd.
Hongmei Gao Binzhou Power Supply Bureau Co., Ltd.
Yizhen Sui Shandong University
Hongbin Zhang Shandong University
Hongshun Liu Shandong University
Qingquan Li Shandong University
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