[Oral Presentation]Carbon Flow Tracing Method for Power Systems based on Complex Power Distribution Matrix

Carbon Flow Tracing Method for Power Systems based on Complex Power Distribution Matrix
ID:66 Submission ID:116 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:38 Hits:481 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-10 11:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S8] AI-driven technology » [S8] AI-driven technology

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With the implementation and promotion of the dual carbon targets in the new-type power systems, it is essential to comprehend the carbon flow and distribution in the power grid during its operation to achieve carbon reduction and transformation in the power system. Currently, the power grid lacks mature and precise carbon footprint tracking technology centered around electric carbon data. This paper proposes a carbon flow tracing method for power systems based on the complex power distribution matrix. By relying on accurate power flow results in the power system, we construct the complex power distribution matrix to establish the relationship between the power generation of generating units and the power at various nodes in the power system. Subsequently, we develop a carbon emission model for thermal power generating units based on their types and long-term operating data. Lastly, utilizing the carbon emission data from power sources and the conversion relationship between carbon flow and power flow derived from the model, we analyze the carbon emission distribution of loads, branches, and network losses. Moreover, based on the active-power-reactive-power coupling relationship, we partition the carbon emissions of network losses, achieving accurate tracking of carbon flow in the power system. The proposed method is validated using the IEEE 9-bus test case, demonstrating the correctness of the carbon flow tracing model.
Complex Power Distribution Matrix,,Carbon Flow Tracing,Carbon Emissions,Active Power-Reactive Power Coupling
Bailin Zhang
Mr State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company

Submission Author
Bailin Zhang State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company
Chong Shao State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company
Kaili Han State Grid Gansu Electric Power Research Institute
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