[Oral Presentation]Space-Utilization Multi-Mode Quasi-Static Resonant Cavity Wireless Power Transfer for Fully Enclosed Arbitrary Regions

Space-Utilization Multi-Mode Quasi-Static Resonant Cavity Wireless Power Transfer for Fully Enclosed Arbitrary Regions
ID:69 Submission ID:122 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:39 Hits:187 Oral Presentation

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Recent work on quasi-static cavity resonator (QSCR) has provided a solution for wireless power transfer (WPT) without dead angles for electrical appliance receivers in indoor spaces. However, the quasi-static cavity resonator technique is limited by the coherence of space usage due to the presence of a pole in the middle of the cavity. Therefore, this paper proposes a method based on spatial utilization multimode quasi-static cavity to achieve wireless power transfer in any enclosed area. The finite element software proves that this structure has a peripheral field enhancement mode (PE Mode) and a movable platform field enhancement mode (MPE Mode), and these two modes do not interfere with each other when working. By superimposing the two modes, the energy transfer efficiency at any position in the whole space can reach more than 40%. The emergence of this new charging method can make electric power like WiFi in the future, and achieve efficient energy transmission in any desired area of the closed room through the displacement and design of the movable platform.
movable platform, MPE Mode, PE Mode,SUM-QSCR
Cancan Rong
Assistant Professor China University of Mining and Technology

Submission Author
Cancan Rong China University of Mining and Technology
Qiong Wang China University of Mining and Technology
Yingzhou Guo China University of Mining and Technology
Xiaoyu Duan China University of Mining and Technology
Lihui Yan China University of Mining and Technology
Mengmeng Chen China University of Mining and Technology
Jin Chang China University of Mining and Technology
Chenyang Xia China University of Mining and Technology
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