[Oral Presentation]Optimal allocation of static and dynamic charging facilities for electric vehicles

Optimal allocation of static and dynamic charging facilities for electric vehicles
ID:7 Submission ID:13 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:31 Hits:450 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 09:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S4] Power system and automation » [S4] Power system and automation

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With the emergence of dynamic wireless charging technology, electric vehicles can charge while running Given the high cost of dynamic wireless charging, it is foreseeable that plug-in charging and dynamic wireless charging will coexist for a long time. In response to the current lack of research on the location selection of multiple types of charging infrastructure and the lack of consideration for gasoline vehicles, a bi-level optimization model is proposed. The upper-level model determines the location selection plan of charging facilities under a given budget to minimize the total travel cost of the system; the lower-level model introduces a multi-class user equilibrium model to capture the route selection behavior of gasoline and electric vehicles. Genetic algorithm was used to solve and analyze the impact of key parameters such as electric vehicle penetration rate and investment amount on the results.
Bi-level model; Electric vehicle; Location selection of charging facilities; User equilibrium
Jingjie Yao
Chang'an University

Submission Author
Xianfeng Xu Chang'an University
Jingjie Yao Chang'an University
Zhen Zhang Chang'an University
Yong Lu Chang'an University
Zhixiong Ma Chang'an University
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