[Oral Presentation]Simulation study on online testing of partial discharge at cable terminals of high-speed trains

Simulation study on online testing of partial discharge at cable terminals of high-speed trains
ID:70 Submission ID:126 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:39 Hits:175 Oral Presentation

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The on-board cable terminal of high-speed trains is an important device responsible for the power supply of trains and connecting high-voltage equipment, and the continuous partial discharge can cause damage. In order to study the characteristics of the partial discharge signal of the on-board cable terminal, an online detection model of the partial discharge of the on-board cable terminal was established using MATLAB/Simulink simulation software, and simulation analysis was conducted, and the changes of the contact wire length and cable length where the simulation was carried out. The results show that the simulated partial discharge waveform is a single exponential sinusoidal oscillation decay waveform, which is close to the real measured partial discharge waveform. An increase in the length of the contact line of the online detection loop leads to a decrease in the oscillation frequency of the partial discharge pulse current. An increase in cable length leads to a decrease in the oscillation frequency and amplitude of the partial discharge pulse current. The effect of parameter changes on the partial discharge signal is explained from the perspective of the circuit.
cable termination,partial discharge,Simulink,Simulation,high-speed trains
Yuqi Xu
Student Southwest Jiaotong University

Submission Author
Yuqi Xu Southwest Jiaotong University
Guoqiang Gao Southwest Jiaotong University
Kai Liu Southwest Jiaotong University
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