[Oral Presentation]Research on Structural Heterogeneity of Power Network with Electric Vehicle Charging Load

Research on Structural Heterogeneity of Power Network with Electric Vehicle Charging Load
ID:71 Submission ID:127 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:39 Hits:471 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 10:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S4] Power system and automation » [S4] Power system and automation

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         Most of the traditional structural heterogeneity analysis of power grid only considers the structure of power grid itself, but lacks the structural heterogeneity analysis of power grid with the participation of uncertain load of electric vehicles. In view of this, this paper introduces Gini coefficient, and puts forward an analysis method of power grid structure heterogeneity which comprehensively considers network weighted topological entropy and electrical betweenness. Firstly, based on CFSFDP (clustering by fast search and find of density peaks), the charging load of electric vehicles is cluster analyzed to obtain the charging load characteristics in different scenarios and at different times of the day; Secondly, the Gini coefficient is used to analyze the node betweenness and line betweenness of the network, and the uniformity coefficient of the network structure is constructed, and the betweenness is combined with the network topological entropy to build a comprehensive evaluation index of the heterogeneity of the network structure; Finally, taking IEEE39-bus system as an example, the simulation analysis shows that this method can effectively and quickly evaluate the network structure balance with external random load.
Charging load of electric vehicle, Electrical betweenness, Gini coefficient, heterogeneous, Network weighted topological entropy.
Yeqing Zhang
student Southwest Jiaotong University

Submission Author
Yeqing Zhang Southwest Jiaotong University
Xu Liu Southwest Jiaotong University
Zijian Wan Southwest Jiaotong University
Qi Tian Southwest Jiaotong University
Wenli Fan Southwest Jiaotong University
Chuan Long State Grid Sichuan Economic Research Institute
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