[Oral Presentation]Hypergraph modeling and vulnerability assessment of power network

Hypergraph modeling and vulnerability assessment of power network
ID:73 Submission ID:129 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:39 Hits:473 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 16:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S7] Power system protection and control » [S7] Power system protection and control

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Vulnerability assessment of power system is the key starting point of its security analysis. Effective assessment results will contribute to the safe and reliable operation of power system. In view of this, this paper proposes a vulnerability assessment method based on power network hypergraph model. Firstly, the power transmission path is determined by the power flow tracing method and defined as a hypergraph hyperedge. The nodes in the path are defined as hypergraph nodes, and a hypergraph model suitable for the power grid is constructed by using the hypergraph theory. Secondly, the vulnerability assessment index of transmission line in power network is defined according to the node super degree of hypergraph. Finally, the simulation analysis is carried out on the IEEE-14 node system, and the simulation results verify the effectiveness and accuracy of the method.
hypergraph theory; flow tracing; power network; vulnerability analysis
tian qi
Student southwest Jiaotong University

Submission Author
tian qi southwest Jiaotong University
Zixuan Liu Southwest Jiaotong University
Zhang yeqing Southwest Jiaotong University
Wenli Fan Southwest Jiaotong University
y sy Southwest Jiaotong University
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