[Oral Presentation]Research of HVAC Novel Fault Current Limiter Electromagnetic Field Coupling Considering the DC Component of Short Circuit Current

Research of HVAC Novel Fault Current Limiter Electromagnetic Field Coupling Considering the DC Component of Short Circuit Current
ID:77 Submission ID:135 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:40 Hits:468 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 15:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S3] High voltage and insulation technology » [S3] High voltage and insulation technology

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In high voltage AC transmission system, the DC component of fault current (CDCC) in short circuit will cause great harm to power equipment. To solve this problem, a CDCC energy drain type fault current limiter (CEDFCL) is proposed, which can limit the short circuit current with CDCC. Firstly, the generation mechanism of CDCC in HVAC system and the electromagnetic circuit working mechanism of CEDFCL are analyzed. The field-circuit coupling model of CEDFCL in HVAC system is established. A 500kV current limiting model is built by finite element analysis (FEA) to explore the validity and rationality of CEDFCL structure. Finally, a lab-size prototype is built, a test platform is established and the prototype test is carried out. The simulation and experiment confirmed the validity of the CEDFCL.
Fault current limiter, Short-circuit current DC component, Field circuit coupling, Finite element analysis
Jiawe Liu
Ph.D Wuhan University

Submission Author
Jiawe Liu Wuhan University
Jiaxin Yuan Wuhan University
Hang Zhou Wuhan University
Xuzhe Li Wuhan University
Wanting Zhang Wuhan University
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