[Oral Presentation]Remote Real-time Monitoring System for Power Quality Using 5G Synchronous Waveform Collection

Remote Real-time Monitoring System for Power Quality Using 5G Synchronous Waveform Collection
ID:82 Submission ID:139 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:40 Hits:441 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 16:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S6] 5G and Wireless power transfer technology » [S6] 5G and Wireless power transfer technology

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To achieve high-precision synchronous measurement of time-domain waveforms in different scenarios, this paper uses the advantages of 5G communication technology such as large bandwidth, low latency, and high-precision synchronization to propose the real-time acquisition of synchronous waveforms and remote power quality monitoring technology using GPS and Beidou dual timing. This article first analyzes the causes of GPS and Beidou timing errors. Secondly, the architecture and hardware design of a synchronous waveform collection terminal using 5G modules, GPS, and Beidou modules are proposed. Finally, an on-site installation test was conducted on the terminal designed in this article to verify the synchronization accuracy and power quality monitoring performance. Experimental results show that the terminal designed in this article can realize the functions of synchronous waveform collection and real-time monitoring of power quality.
Synchronous waveform acquisition, power quality, real-time monitoring, 5G communication technology, GPS and Beidou
Bin Zhao
assistant engineer State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company

Submission Author
Bin Zhao State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company
Dongxue Ma State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company
Boheng Xu State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company
Jing Cai State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company
Zhao Yu State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company
Yaqi Yang State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company
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