Design and experimental validation of a repetitive pulse magnetic field system
Submission ID:141 View Protection:PUBLIC
Updated Time:2023-12-01 07:08:30
Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-10 11:00 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[S9] Transformer technology and applications » [S9] Transformer technology and applications
Repetitive pulsed high magnetic field (RPHMF) technology is an important trend in the development of pulsed high magnetic fields. The coupling of magnet and power supply design parameters, as well as the drastic change of magnet resistance with temperature rise during discharge, pose a great challenge to RPHMF design. In this paper, an optimal design method of RPHMF system is proposed based on a novel multi-objective algorithm to analyze the relationship between magnetic field, temperature field and design parameters of magnets and circuits. This method can provide low-loss RPHMFs with high spatial uniformity in the target eregion of solenoid magnets. Then, discharge circuit and electromagnetic field experiments were conducted on the magnets fabricated based on the pulsed magnet fabrication technique and coupled with a charging system to supplement the energy consumption of cyclic capacitor discharges. Test results show that the magnet can provide 30 Hz/1 T RPHMF with more than 92% uniformity in the central region and charging power less than 20 kW, verifying the validity and feasibility of the method.
Repetitive pulsed high magnetic field,finite-element analysis,multi-objective optimization

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