[Oral Presentation]Analysis and Design of Multiple relay WPT System Embedded in Composite Insulator

Analysis and Design of Multiple relay WPT System Embedded in Composite Insulator
ID:93 Submission ID:165 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:42 Hits:467 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 16:15 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S3] High voltage and insulation technology » [S3] High voltage and insulation technology

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This paper designs a multiple relay wireless power transmission (WPT) system with a 3-coil coupling structure, which can be used in 110kV composite insulators. Through theoretical derivation, the circuit model of multiple relay WPT system and the characteristics of output voltage and current are obtained The proposed three-dimensional coil structure can save the weight and volume of the magnetic core, and has a high coupling coefficient in the case of long air gaps. Through finite element simulation analysis, it is shown that the embedding of the system does not affect the electric field distribution of the composite insulator, and has no significant impact on the insulation performance of the composite insulator. An experimental platform with a wireless energy transmission distance of 1.5m is built, and the output characteristics of the system are verified. Under 10V DC input, the output power reaches 4.14W, with a maximum efficiency of 28.37%.
Multi-relay, wireless power transmission, magnetic core dissect
Ruiqing Sun
student Harbin Institute of Technology

Submission Author
Ruiqing Sun Harbin Institute of Technology
Yueshi Guan Harbin Institute of Technology
Chang Liu Harbin institute of technology
Yijie Wang Harbin Institute of Technology
Dianguo Xu Harbin Institute of Technology
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