[Oral Presentation]Interfacial Breakdown Characteristics and Its Physical Model of Cable Accessories under Multiphysics Fields

Interfacial Breakdown Characteristics and Its Physical Model of Cable Accessories under Multiphysics Fields
ID:95 Submission ID:172 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:42 Hits:481 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 16:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S3] High voltage and insulation technology » [S3] High voltage and insulation technology

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Due to the issues of multi-layer insulation coordination, the interface of cable accessories is prone to surface discharge and breakdown, which are the weakest link in the power cable system. The discharge model of composite dielectric interface is established. This article investigates the variation of breakdown voltage at the interface of XLPE/SiR double-layer dielectric under different interfacial roughness and pressures. The results indicate that the higher the interfacial roughness, the lower the interfacial breakdown voltage; the higher the interfacial pressure, the higher the interfacial breakdown voltage. In addition, considering the model, the quantitative relationships between breakdown voltage and roughness and pressure are established respectively. Finally, the interfacial breakdown mechanism is explained.
Cable accessory; Composite dielectric; Interfacial breakdown; Multiphysics Fields
Tianfeng Zhang
Student Fuzhou University

Submission Author
Tianfeng Zhang Fuzhou University
Yunxiao Zhang Fuzhou University
Xin Zheng Fuzhou University
Wenxin Lin Fuzhou University
Zhengnan Chi Fuzhou University
Jiarui Zhang Fuzhou University
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