[Oral Presentation]Coupled Electromagnetic-Thermal Analysis of A Dry-Type Power Transformer

Coupled Electromagnetic-Thermal Analysis of A Dry-Type Power Transformer
ID:98 Submission ID:183 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:42 Hits:454 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-10 10:45 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S9] Transformer technology and applications » [S9] Transformer technology and applications

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This paper presents a weakly coupled electromagnetic-thermal analysis of a dry-type power transformer to delve into their performance. The coupled electromagnetic-thermal iterative procedure was implemented using a commercial finite element software, taking into account the influence of temperature on copper losses. The steady-state temperature field of the transformer was successfully simulated. It was observed that, with rising temperature, copper losses increased, resulting in a further elevation of the temperature field. Through iterative calculations, a more accurate representation of the temperature distribution was obtained, further underscoring the significance of electromagnetic-thermal coupling analysis. Profound insights into the design and performance optimization of dry-type power transformers are provided by this study, along with valuable information for research and practice in the field of electrical engineering. Sustainable operation of transformers is supported, and the stability of power systems is enhanced, promising significant engineering applications.
Coupled electromagnetic-thermal,Finite element method,Temperature distribution,Transformer
Chengbing Zhang
Research and develop Beijing Zhongke Chuangshi Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Submission Author
Peng Tian Anhui Jixi Pumped Storage Energy Co., Ltd.
Hongwei Jiang Anhui Jixi Pumped Storage Energy Co., Ltd.
Cheng Yang Anhui Jixi Pumped Storage Energy Co., Ltd.
Shuwei Zheng Anhui Jixi Pumped Storage Energy Co., Ltd.
Guizong Wang Anhui Jixi Pumped Storage Energy Co., Ltd.
Chengbing Zhang Beijing Zhongke Chuangshi Technology Development Co., Ltd.
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