[Oral Presentation]Influence of Low Pass Filter on wide-frequency oscillation of Power-electronic-integrated Distributed Generations

Influence of Low Pass Filter on wide-frequency oscillation of Power-electronic-integrated Distributed Generations
ID:99 Submission ID:188 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2023-11-20 13:45:42 Hits:483 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2023-12-09 15:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[S5] Traction power supply technology and application » [S5] Traction power supply technology and application

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With the high penetration of wind and PV power, the power-electronic integrated system with distributed generations may suffer wide-band oscillation, which is caused by the interactive behavior between the inverter and the power grid. The virtual synchronous generator provides the virtual damping and virtual inertia to enhance the stability of the system by replacing the traditional synchronous generators. However, it will also induce some synchronous frequency resonance and Sub-synchronization oscillation, which poses a great threat to the system. This paper aims to analyze the mechanism of the synchronization oscillation under different bandwidth with low pass filter from the view of damping and inertia. The simulations validate the theoretical analysis and the results show that the low bandwidth can improve synchronization oscillation but also undermines the subsynchronization oscillation.
Distributed generations, Synchronization oscillation, Sub-synchronization oscillation, Damping, Inertia
Yaqian Yang
Associate Professor Anhui Agricultural University

Submission Author
Minghao Fan Ltd.;State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co.
Changan Ji Ltd;State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co.
Qunjing Wang Anhui university
Xiaoming Wang State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co., Ltd.
Guoli Li Anhui University
Wenguang Zhao Ltd.;State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co.
Qiang Li Bozhou Electric Power Supply Company; State Grid Anhui Electric Power Company
Yaqian Yang Anhui Agricultural University
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