Timetable of 4th China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering


Day 2,Dec. 09, 2023Saturday


Traction power supply technology and application@Traction power supply technology and application

2023-12-09 14:00 ~ 17:30

Timetable V1 Updated:2023-12-07 10:52:36

Start End Duration ID Title
14:00 14:15 15 12
FAult Diagnosis for High Speed Railway Traction Network Based on Relief-F for Multi-layer Perceptron
Wenbo Zhou/School of Electrical Engineering,Southwest Jiaotong University
Oral Presentation
14:15 14:30 15 21
Heterogeneous Models Based Distributed Predictive Control for Heavy-haul Trains
Zhang Kunpeng Lecturer/East China Jiaotong University
Oral Presentation
14:30 14:45 15 64
Oral Presentation
14:45 15:00 15 80
15:00 15:15 15 101
Oral Presentation
15:15 15:30 15 81
Design of Post-Assembly Magnetization System of the Rotor of Disk Coreless Permanent Magnet Motor Based on Halbach Array
Xia Li Ms/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center
Oral Presentation
15:30 15:45 15 99
Oral Presentation
15:45 16:00 15 Coffee Break
16:00 16:15 15 58
16:15 16:30 15 94
16:30 16:45 15 96

Contact us

Southwest Jiaotong University


Add: No.999, Xi'an Road, Pidu

District, Chengdu City, Sichuan

Province,611756 China

Email: ciycee2023@163.com


Aconf Staff:Lu Wei

Tel:+86 18971567453

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IEEE IAS SWJTU Student Branch