[185]The improved neural network algorithm is applied in the obstacle avoidance path planning of driverless vehicles
Xiying Zhang Lecturer Qingdao University of Science and Technology
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[184]Performance Test of CuCrZr Wire for High Magnetic Field Pulsed Magnet
Shaobo Liu doctoral candidate Huazhong University of Science and Technology;Wuhan National High Magnetic Field Center;School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[183]Reinforcement Learning-based Control Study of Three-phase LCL-type Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter
Feng Xu student School of Advanced Manufacturing Engineering;Hefei University;Hefei
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[182]Low-Profile Phased Array Dielectric Resonator Antenna for 5G Internet of Thing Applications
Naser Ojaroudi Parchin Assistant Professor Edinburgh Napier University
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[181]MIMO Antenna Design with Dual-Polarization Characteristic for 5G Handheld Devices
Naser Ojaroudi Parchin Assistant Professor Edinburgh Napier University
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[180]The Research on the Effectiveness Evaluation Technology for the PD Sensing Components of the 220kV Cable Joint with Built-in Multi-Dimensional Sensing Elements
jianjun yuan assistant engineer State Key Laboratory of Power Grid Environmental Protection;China Electric Power Research Institute Co., Ltd,
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[179]Broad-Scanning Linear Phased Array with Minimized Coupling for Wireless Energy Harvesting
Naser Ojaroudi Parchin Assistant Professor Edinburgh Napier University
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[178]Reliability Evaluation of Distribution Network based on Time-series Production Simulation and Improved AFT-RSVM
Yiying Li Engineer State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company Zhangye Power Supply Company
PRIVATE Poster Presentation

[177]High-Resistance Fault Localization Method for Underground Cables Based on Three-Dimensional Wideband Impedance Spectra
Yuhao Lan graduate student The University of Sheffield
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[176]Modeling and Analysis of AC Distribution Grids with Wind and Solar Storage
Chuan Long researcher State Grid Sichuan Economic Research Institute
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[175]Lightning Breakdown Macroscopic Behavior Analysis of Three-element Mixed Insulation Oil-Paper System
Hongwei Li Graduate student Chongqing University
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[174]Study on the Loss Characteristics of Dry-Type Power Transformers Considering Stray Losses
Chengbing Zhang Research and develop Beijing Zhongke Chuangshi Technology Development Co., Ltd.
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[173]Small Signal Modeling of Sending-end Offshore Wind Power MMC-HVDC Integration Systems Considering Positive and Negative Sequence Separation Module
Zhiwei Peng Student Huazhong University of Science and Technology
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[172]Research on Test Technology of Substation Connected to Centralized Monitoring System under New Energy Background
婧婧 俞 学生 四川轻化工大学;国网四川省电力公司电力科学研究院
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation

[171]A Novel Transient Bus Protection Algorithm Based on HHT
Yongyan Jiang student Guilin University of Electronic Technology
ATTENDEE Poster Presentation